
I want to get things

I want to buy a digital camera now.
Because digital camera is very useful in different cases.
For example, when I go to trip,
when I want to take beautiful view,
when I want to take a picture my pretty dog etc...
I will buy before summer holiday ☺

1 件のコメント:

marienancyblog さんのコメント...

I am so sorry about the accident Yukie, are you OK? I saw you yesterday, but you looked genki as usual. Did you hurt yourself? Who was driving the car?

Nice camera, by the way, how lucky you are! You can use it to take beautiful pictures when you go to Europe this summer. Which country will you go to? When you take pictures, please put them on you blog, so we can see them too!

Your blog is amazing and I love to read it! Please continue your good work!! :)