
Where would you like to live in the future?

I would like to live in UK because I like speak English and British people.
First, British people are very polite.
Also, Japanese people are polite.
I think that British and Japanese are similar.
Second, English is very clear.
I want to speak many British people.
I can listen to English easier.
Third, I like city of England.
There are not big buildings and many lights.
There are nice atomosphere buildings, beautiful mountains, and greatful nature.
I want to really live in the future in UK.


TOEIC IP test!!

I took TOEIC IP test today.
I was very, very tired.
I didn't sleep during the test.
I did my best!!
I studied new words before TOEIC test.
I don't have a confidence, but it is good before the test.
I hope to make progress my TOEIC score .


What's your plan for the summer vacation?

I want to visit several places.

First, I 'm going to go to Kyoto after the final exam.
My mother's from Kyoto, and my grandparents lives in there.
I went to Kyoto about ten years ago, so my grandparents wants to see me.
I will go to there to meet my grandparents.

I'm going to go to France in this Summer.
I Will visit Ryon, Grenoble, and Ste-Agnes.
It is my first alone trip!!


♡ Summer vavcation is just around the corner ♡

I'm making a flight plan to go to France.
I want to go to France quickly.
Yesterday, I went to trip company .
Then I had make a flight plan.
Today, I send e-mail to trip company.
I'm going to book a flight ticket.
I have to buy a sleeping bag, solid shoes, digital camera, clothes,a map and so forth.
I 'm going to prepare them gradually.

Where will you be in 10 years ??

In 10 years, I would like to be a flight attendant all over the world because I would like to go abroad and know many things.
Of course I will get married in 23 years old!!
I hope I will have 3 children or more.
I like children very much.
I would like to love my husband and children.
Also, I would like to have dogs because I like dogs, and I have a pretty dog now.


"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

I went to MIDLAND SQUARE with International college friends.
And I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End yesterday.
It was very long and very exciting!!
It's a powerful movie the best.
I like Orlando Bloom very much.
He is gentle and good looking!!
And I love Jack( small monky).
He is smart and very pretty.
I want to watch the movie again.


Where would you like to go on holiday?

I would like to go to Disney world in USA because I want to meet Mickey!!
I have been to went to Tokyo Disney Land, but I have not went to there yet.
I would like to eat honey popcorn and ride a splash mountain.
I love Mickey, Stich and Winny the pooh.
I want to take a picture with Mickey, but he doesn't appear at everyone:(
I wish I could take a picuture with him.



I'll take a Eiken in this Sunday.
I have been studying very hard.
I learned by heart the new English words in the train, and I practiced reading a long sentence.
It is difficult for me to pass a Eiken.
I will shut myself up in my room, and I will study hard all day tomorrow.
I'm starving now.I'm going to eat dinner.


* Food *

I like to eat noodles.
I eat noodles fourth a week.
I love Udon, Soba, Soumen, Pasta, Chinese noodles soup and so forth.
Because the noodles are easy of eat.
I dislike cooking because I feel bother to cook.
But I can cook and I cook on Sunday and Saturday!!
I'm good cook:)
I have confidence to cook.


"Haruno-yuki" and "THE OTHERS"

I'm so busy recentry.
But I cannot help watching movies.
I watched movie last week.
The title is "Haruno-yuki"(It is Japanese movie).
It means Spring snow in English.
This movie was very beautiful, and sad and painful love story.

Today, I watched movie too.
The title is "THE OTHERS".
This is horror movie.
I watched movie at morning, so I didn't feel scare.
But it was unexpected ending!!
I was very suprise!
If you are interested in this movie or you like horror movie, let's try.


* My childhood *

When I was 6 yeas old(maybe), I went to Saipan Island with my family.
The island was very beautiful.
There was very beautiful sea and plants in the island!!
We swam the beautiful sea and watched many fish.
I drank coconuts juice first time.
We were enjoyed and relaxed.



It was decided that my International Volunteer Project Country!!
I will go to France:)
I have been wanting visit to French for years.
I will go to Village in South France, and there is The Mediterranean Sea.
It's about 5 km between village and sea.
There is village on the low mountain.
It seems to cold weather to me.
A period of time is early in August to last in August.
I must study French!!!!
I want to try to speak French.
I‘m looking forward to Summer Vacation.


"Dear Frankie"

I watched movie today.
The title is "Dear Frankie".
Do you know this movie??
Emily Mortimer ... Lizzie
Jack McElhone ... Frankie
Gerard Butler ... The Stranger
In Scotland, Lizzie is constantly moving from town to town with her nine year old son Frankie and her mother Nell escaping from her husband. Frankie is a very intelligent deaf boy, and the protective Lizzie invented that his father is a sailor of the vessel "ACCRA", traveling though the most different countries and permanently writing to Frankie, telling his adventures. Frankie tracks the route of the vessel in a map, and when the vessel is scheduled to arrive in their coastal town, Lizzie decides to hire a stranger to act as if he were Frankie's father for one day.

I was moved to tears by this movie.
I can't explain this feeling.
But I recommend to watch this movie.
This movie will move your to teas!!


Where am I ??

I was taking a subway.
Time went on, I lifted my face.
Then I saw strange name "Sengen-cho".
"Where is Sengen-cho?"
I was sleeping:(
"Where am I ??"
I missed get off a subway.
I was very surprised!!
And I returened Fushimi soon.
I'm staying home now:)


About Report :(

I must hand in the report tomorrow.
I will write a report.
I feel sleepy during write a report.
I'll do my best!!



Yesterday,I went to shopping with my high school friends.
We talked about many things.
For example,college life,college friends, love life, Golden Week Holidays and so on.
We enjoyed talking and shopping!!
One of my friends,she can drive a car.
I want to get a driver's license.
But I have no time because I have to study English.
I want to get a driver's license next year:)


I want to get things

I want to buy a digital camera now.
Because digital camera is very useful in different cases.
For example, when I go to trip,
when I want to take beautiful view,
when I want to take a picture my pretty dog etc...
I will buy before summer holiday ☺

Golden Week Holiday!!

My Goldenweek Holiday is the worst holiday.
I was in a traffic accodent in May 5.
I collided with a car.
My bicycle was crashed by car.
I was carried to hospital by ambulance.
My parents was surprised.
I was out of luck!!
But I had only a bruise on my knee.
It was bad holiday for me.

And I had a part-time job.
I got much money.
But I was very busy.

I decided International volunteer project country.
And I paid money into CIEE.
I think I will go to France or Belgium.
I'm looking forward to go to abroad!!


* International Volunteer Project *

Thank you for comment on my blog :)
This summer, I will participate in International Volunteer Project.
I'm thinking about project countries.
For the moment, I'm going to go to Europe.
I'm looking forward to participating in volunteer!!
I want to make many friend and a variety of experience.


☆My Golden Week Holiday plan☆

Golden Week Holiday will soon come!!
I'm looking forward to holidays.
But there are only four days.
I want to three things.
First,I want to watch DVD at home.
*The Spider man1 and 2
*Harry Potter
Second,I want go shopping.
I will buy many clothes.
Third,I want to study EIKEN.
I'm gojng to take EIKEN in June 10.
So I have to study hard.
I want to pass the test!!
I'll do my best.


"The Man in the Iron Mask"

I watched movie yesterday.
The movie name is "The Man in the Iron Mask".
Leonardo DiCaprio (King Louis)
Leonardo DiCaprio (Philippe)
Jeremy Irons (Aramis)
John Malkovich (Athos)
Gerard Depardieu (Porthos)
It was exciting story.
The most wonderful thing is Leonardo DiCaprio playsd two roles.
He played the direct opposit roles.
He is handsome.
I like him!!
But this year I missed "Departed".
I'm looking forward to put DVD on sale:)



Yesterday,I took TOEIC.
It was first time for me.
I felt it was very difficult.
Because listening was so quick and I didn't know many difficult words.
And I was surprised.
Because TOEIC takes two hours.
It was very long time.
Listening test perplexed me.
I don't know TOEIC score this time.
But I will study hard until next test,I want to step up!!


My favorite

My favorite color is black.
Black is very hot color.
l usually wear the black clothes.
My favorite season is fall.
I feel every food is delicious.
I like fall's temperature.
My favorite food is SUSHI.
I like Japanese food very much.
My favorite day of week is friday.
Because next day is Saturday!!
My favorite animal is dog.
I have a dog.
His name is SABU.
SABU is Japanese name.
My father named SABU.
He is very pretty dog.
My favorite sports are basketball,badminton,and soccer.


About Me

Hello!! I'm Yukie Hiramatsu.
I'm from GIFU in JAPAN.
GIfu is near by NAGOYA.
Do you know NAGOYA?
NAGOYA is very big city in JAPAN.
There are five people in my family.
Father, mother ,sister,and brother.
I'm 18 yeas old.
I'm studing English and Chinese.