
Where would you like to live in the future?

I would like to live in UK because I like speak English and British people.
First, British people are very polite.
Also, Japanese people are polite.
I think that British and Japanese are similar.
Second, English is very clear.
I want to speak many British people.
I can listen to English easier.
Third, I like city of England.
There are not big buildings and many lights.
There are nice atomosphere buildings, beautiful mountains, and greatful nature.
I want to really live in the future in UK.


TOEIC IP test!!

I took TOEIC IP test today.
I was very, very tired.
I didn't sleep during the test.
I did my best!!
I studied new words before TOEIC test.
I don't have a confidence, but it is good before the test.
I hope to make progress my TOEIC score .


What's your plan for the summer vacation?

I want to visit several places.

First, I 'm going to go to Kyoto after the final exam.
My mother's from Kyoto, and my grandparents lives in there.
I went to Kyoto about ten years ago, so my grandparents wants to see me.
I will go to there to meet my grandparents.

I'm going to go to France in this Summer.
I Will visit Ryon, Grenoble, and Ste-Agnes.
It is my first alone trip!!